Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday...
Label Tulip: November Sneaks!

Project Fifty-Two

I'm going to be starting a year-long project on January 1, 2009 and I hope you'll consider joining me.


If you've read my scrapbooking manifesto, then you know that in 2006, I did a page every week about my life.  I thought it was a very original idea.  Then, I heard about Ali Edwards "Week in the Life," and The Journal Quilt Project (a quilt a week), and Project 365 (photo-a-day for a year, which I'm in the midst of right now).  So, it's clear to me that lots of people set out these kinds of projects for themselves - projects in which you record the daily flotsam and jetsam of your life in an artistic way.

What I'm proposing is a kind of mush up of several of these ideas.  Here are the specifics:

Project Title: Project Fifty-Two

Project Time Line: January 2009 - December 2009

Project Participants: Anyone who wants to join in!

Project Concept: The idea is to get a year of your life recorded in some way. Every week for one year, participants will create something inspired by an event, a thought, or an emotion from that week.

Project Creations: Since I dabble in lots of different things, I wanted to make sure that other people who dabble could participate.  So, what you create doesn't have to be consistent.  You can create an art journal page one week and a quilt the next.  Or you could stay consistent and make fifty-two scrapbook layouts. 

Here's a list of some things I thought people could create:

  • a photograph
  • a poem
  • a scrapbook page
  • a mini album
  • an art journal page
  • a quilt
  • an altered object
  • a painting
  • a piece of jewelry
  • an Artist Trading Card (ATC)
  • an article of clothing
  • a card
  • a doll
  • an embroidered project
  • a tag
  • the possibilities are endless!

However, to keep it all in one place, I am planning to create an album.  Flat paper projects will go into the album (probably a D-Ring so that I can create paper projects in all sizes) and photographs of 3-D or larger projects will go into the album.  That way, at the end of the year, I'll have it all in one place, in some sense.

Project Note: I don't want this to be a burden to anyone (especially myself) so it's all very loose and easy going.  No prizes, no pressure, just sharing.  Essentially, this is a project that I am planning on doing myself and if anyone wants to play along, rock on!

Project Goals: The first time around, my album project...

  1. Got me in the habit of creating every week (even the week I scribbled out "too busy to do anything" and stuck it in a page protector).
  2. I had been an event scrapper before and my album project really helped me to learn how to create work based on small moments.
  3. Allowed me to explore new techniques and ideas in a quick and easy way.

So, I hope you'll join me.  You've got lots of time to think about it.  I will post a few more details as we get closer to 2009!
