Holidays Handmade: What a Week!
December 13, 2010
Wow! What a day 7! What a week!
Weren't Liz's jigsaw pins the coolest? I'm tempted to steal a few pieces from a puzzle around here, but what would I do if someone actually tried to do the puzzle and discovered the missing pieces? Although I loved the commenter who said she was a teacher and always had puzzles that had a ton of missing pieces and how now she knew what to do with them!
And Pia is so adorable, right? I was amazed by the suite of gifts she was able to put together on a very small budget. So clever! Makes me want to bake some homemade gifts. But, alas, I am a terrible baker!
Also, I got an e-mail yesterday from a blog reader named Jen who wanted to share a holiday tutorial she had put together on how to make these fabulous ornaments:
So now some housekeeping:
ONE: For easy reference you can find a complete list of each of the thirty-two posts (along with a photo to jog your memory) by clicking on the "Holidays Handmade" logo in the right hand column of this blog. It's an easy way to find your favorite tutorial and reference it whenever you need to!
Think of it like an awesome online class that you can just keep referring back to over and over again!
TWO: On that same page I've broken the posts down for even easier reference by category. I've copied the breakdown for you here as well. This should make it easy for you to find what you need.
Home Decor: (1) Snowflake in a Frame; (6) Christmas Button Tree; (8) Floral Recycled Home Decor; (9) Holidays Handmade: Decor Ideas; (15) Sizzix Triple Play Blog Hop, Week 6: Family Canvas; (21) Handmade Blanket in a Day
Jewelry: (25) Two Jewelry Tutorials; (27) Two of Anything = Earrings; (28) Jigsaw Puzzle Pin; (29) Tape Transfer Jewelry
Food/Food Related: (2) Cookie Crafts for the Holidays; (4) Upcycled Treat Bag; (7) 5 Ideas for Placecards; (14) Tape + Toothpicks = Cupcake Flags; (31) Handmade Gifts from IKEA
Ornaments: (3) Christmas Don't Be Late; (5) A Fabric and Paper Garland; (10) Christmas Ornaments Made with Canvas Fabric Paper; (11) Geodisic Paper Ornament; (16) Christmas Photo Ornaments; (19) Photo Ornaments in Amac Boxes
Packaging:(17) Holiday Tags; (18) 5 Step Tag; (20) Stamped Holiday Treat Box; (22) Stamped Gift Box; (23) Brown Paper Bag Wrapping Paper; (24) Upcycle a Box for Christmas
Books: (12) Teach the Children; (26) Holiday Pocket Mini-Book
Miscellaneous: (13) Inspired by Holidays Handmade; (30) Holidays Handmade: Quick Gifts
THREE: I'd love to see pics of what you've made inspired by Holidays Handmade week! If you make something this week, next week, or even next year, be sure to send them my way! I'd love, love, love to know what inspired you and how you interpreted it in your very own style!
As for me, I'm *exhausted* but inspired! I hope you had fun!
Leave me a comment and let me know what your very favorite project was and I'll pick a random winner to win free access to any one of my online classes of your choosing! Comments will stay open until Wednesday, December 15 at 11:59pm EST.
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. Don't forget that I've got a free Live With Prima class tonight! It's at 8pm EST. Here's the project:
The classroom is HERE.
World Clock: