Creative Therapy: Be Unique
March 21, 2011
The prompt over at Creative Therapy this month is: Describe a family keepsake you have or hope to have.
I made this painting in response to that prompt:
I couldn't think of a physical thing that I really wanted and that stood head-and-shoulders above anything else. But I am very clear on an emotional gift from my family that I hope I carry with me every day and pass on to my future children: be unique.
In a way, I do carry it with me every day because my middle name (Fei-Fan) means unique in Chinese.
Being unique is about being authentic and true to yourself and it isn't always easy.
This painting is a good reminder to me to walk to the beat of my own drummer.
And my favorite part is that I painted it on top of the beginnings on an idea that just didn't work out!
Check out all the other awesome responses to this creative prompt right here.
Thanks for stopping by!
P.S. Don't forget to join me for tonight's Live With Prima class! The classroom is right here! Here's the project: