Art Journal Every Day: Art Journal Backgrounds
Ten Days of Jury Duty = Finding Time for Arting

30 Days in Your Journal: Student Artwork Week 1

Today is day seven of 30 Days in Your Journal and the students have been blowing me away with their talent and creativity!  Here is a small sampling of the student work and a few of their comments as well:

From Margie:

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"My first art journal spread! Loving this class. Have wanted to do art journaling for ages and am thrilled to have crossed that imaginary line in the sand. It's so freeing! And it turns out I really love watercolors."

From Jen:

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Jen has posted some thoughts about the class and about journaling on her blog.  Here's a quick excerpt:

"What's so awesome about this class is that she really focuses on showing you how to fit art journaling into your life every single day...for just 10 minutes.  So you don't do a page or a spread a day - you work on a two-page spread for several days, adding a bit at a time....I think it just might be the key to actually being able to art journal more frequently - because finding chunks of time to sit and play is usually what prevents me from doing it as much as I'd like."

From Kay:

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"I'm loving learning new techniques and playing with new mediums - trying new things! Julie your daily videos are so well thought out and to the point. Thank you. I love being able to "see" into your brain and how you process and make design decisions."

From Beth:

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"Starting [this next spread] with more trust in myself and less stress!"

From Sandy:

"I'm loving...
getting back into the groove of everyday art journaling
watching the videos, they make me smile every day
seeing all the creativeness in this class
learning something new every day."

From Elizabeth:

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"I have learned so much in the first week of class...I am excited to see what's next!"

From Leslie:

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"I'm loving that I can get an entry done in 10 minutes, but I can spend more time if I want to. I'm loving Julie's videos - you're fun to watch and I love your enthusiasm! I'm loving that I don't care if I mess up. Paint can cover anything! :)"

From Lori:

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"i am loving....
-getting to watch everyone's pages evolve...SO COOL!!
-only having to do a few minutes a day! that is doable!
-giving myself the okay to not make it perfect.

From Jill:

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"This is just too much fun! I love the "more is better" approach ... except I'm finding it hard to stop!
Can't wait to see what we're going to do tomorrow."

From Cuchy:

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"I left a tiny space prepared for tomorrow's journaling and I think I'm done with it.  I'd have never thought that I could fit 7 days in a little spread like this."

From Martha:

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Martha has a post on her blog sharing how this layout came together over several days.

From her blog: "I have spent the last 5 days immersed in Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's class 30 Days in your Journal. You can still sign up for it and it is SOOOO worth it."

From Michelle:

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"I'm learning to be a 'Maximalist' and I love it!"

You can also visit Michelle's blog to see her page-in-progress.

This is just a small sampling of the inspiring art play from class.  There are a lot more really fantastic pages from these amazing students.  You can see some of them here.

Thanks for stopping by!

P.S. The face stencil winners are:

Winner of "Summer" in 12x12 and 6x6:

Winner of "Edith and Maude" in 12x12 and 6x6:

Winner of "Ava" in 12x12 and 6x6:

Congratulations to the winners!  Send me your mailing address and I'll make sure those stencils get out to you.
