Stamp Carving 101 Starts TODAY!
January 16, 2012
Class starts today and I've gotten a bunch of questions, so I thought I'd share some of the answers:
Q: I don't quite understand how the class works (or any of the online classes). When I sign up and pay for the Carving 101 class can I watch it on other days - not only on the days you will be teaching?
A: Yes. A new video lesson is released every Monday and Thursday for five weeks. You can watch them any time after that.
Q: How long will I have access to the class?
A: Forever (which essentially means until I die or stop paying for a Typepad account). So don't worry about keeping up or getting it done right now. You have plenty of time!
Q: How much Speedy-Carve do I need to buy? It's more expensive than I thought!
A: You will need a lot if you carve all the stamps in the class. The alphabet, in particular, really eats up rubber. However, if you're nervous about the expense -- after all, what if you don't like carving your own stamps -- you can buy one big sheet (6x12 or larger) and see how it goes. I suspect you'll be addicted pretty quickly!
Another option is to use erasers. If you want to start out with small stamps, you can buy rubber erasers from the office supply store or the Dollar store and use those. You can also carve linoleum tiles from Home Depot. There is some prep work involved in that. Google it if you're interested.
I noticed that it's on sale at Jerry's Artarama. A 6x12 sheet is $10.90 and a 4x6 sheet is $3.63.
Q: What are the actual stamp designs we're going to be carving? I want to make sure I like the designs before I commit to the class.
A: I have arranged the class to take you through the various skills you need to make any stamp your heart desires. Each lesson provides a new skill. You don't have to carve the images I do. After each lesson I share why that image works for the skill we're learning. If you want to carve something else, you are welcome to. In any case, here are just a few of the many stamps we will be carving:
If you'd like to read more about the class, you can do so here. You can also read lots of testimonials from past students.
The cost is just $30.
Within 24 hours of your purchase you will receive an e-mail from me with a password and username.
Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for stopping by!