Art Journal Every Day: Dailies April 24 - May 19
June 29, 2012
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, all the posts can be found here. Please read this post first. There is a flickr group for sharing right here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post. Thanks!
We've had a wonderful batch of guest posts, haven't we? I am so thankful to all the wonderful people who have volunteered their ideas and artwork. I am once again pleased to say that every single Art Journal Every Day guest poster is someone who is member of this community! When I go looking for guest posts, I troll through all the links in the linky list. This is such a talented group! Thank you to all of you for participating. I'm currently looking for some new guest posters for Art Journal Every Day. Specifically, I'm looking for people who are interested in answering the question, "Why do you art journal?" Send me an e-mail if you'd like to provide an answer. If you've got a great idea for a guest post on another topic, let me know!
Today I thought I'd share some pages, pieces of which I've shown when they were in progress. Now they're done and I thought you might enjoy checking them out!
I think that this might be one of my all-time absolute favorite pages ever. Ever. I love the profile. Not something I'm very good at, so I'm extremely proud of this one. I also love the extra little tab on the left (with the word May). It's from a file folder. I chopped it off and glued it onto the edge of my page.
This is one of my all-time favorite (gosh, I'm saying that a lot today) hand carved stamps. It's a super tiny skyline in a triangle and I think it's adorable!
This was a page that I started when I was teaching at Jenny Doh's space back in January. I painted the face (using a Balzer Designs stencil) in class. But I felt like the face was dominating the page too much, so I painted over half of it. I really like the way it looks now.
AND this is totally a version of the cropping that I was talking about in yesterday's post! (P.S. Don't you love how that May tab sticks out? I do!)
I spent about forty minutes on hold with the IRS and I put that time to good use, doing some bold lettering with a kind of cool shadow/depth effect. I'm telling you, speaker phone makes for easy art time.
The early stages of this page appeared in my Five Truths post on Monday. By the by, if you haven't read the comments on that page, you really need to. The lists that people left are awesome and inspiring and funny and just all around wonderful! Nolwenn even posted hers to her blog with photos for each one. I love it!
I'm definitely in a black-and-white-is-graphic-and-awesome phase. I think that black and clear striped washi is my most favorite washi ever. It seriously looks good on absolutely everything!
I always get a lot of questions about supplies, so I've tried to include most (it's truly impossible to include everything because I use a lot of different stuff) of the supplies from these three pages down below:
I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at some of my daily pages. You'll notice that I don't actually art journal every day. And that's 100% okay. I do it most days and that's good enough for me!
Here's the linky list for this week:
Thanks for stopping by!