The Weekend Five: Black and White at MoMA
September 29, 2012
One of the great luxuries of living where I do is that I'm about three block from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). I try to make it there once a week and spend an hour or so poking around. On Monday I found a whole bunch of great black & white images. Here are my five favorite photos from that excursion.
Matisse is truly the master of communicating so much with so few lines.
The sheer scale of contemporary art always takes my breath away. I'm not entirely sure you can tell from this photo, but that canvas must be twelve feet tall.
This was a Keith Haring piece that wrapped around three sides of a room. Totally amazing to be surrounded by -- almost immersed in -- such intense art.
This is a detail of a much larger woodcut print. (The piece was taller than I am.) I like to carve stamps, but the mastery in shading and texturizing this piece just blows me away.
Makes me think of an art journal page or maybe slap a photo on there and call it a scrapbook page. Love the use of white space!
Hope you're having a great weekend!