Adventures in Arting Podcast: Bethany Larsen
The Weekend Five: Just Ordered from Dick Blick

Art Journal Every Day: Roll the Dice

ArtJournalEveryDayLogo-150If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here.  All of the previous posts can be found archived here.  There is a flickr group for sharing right here.  Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day!  No need to finish anything or even like it.  If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post.  Thanks!

Today I'm very pleased to be able to share a guest post from Carolyn Dube.  She's sharing a great idea for getting yourself un-stuck when you sit down to art journal!

I get stuck in my head way too often so I devised a way to stay out of my head.  Dice.  I just roll the dice and I have to abide by the rules of the dice.

I filled the dice (foam cubes from the $1 bin at Target) with simple directions or various supplies- especially ones I have been saving for the "perfect project" or ones I have neglected for no good reason.  I also had a "no" die.  My usual go-to types of supplies were on this one.

When I roll these dice I am forced to get busy and do what they say.  I give myself a time limit and that forces me to make decisions.  Sometimes the pages are truly ugly and sometimes they are great but it always gets me out of my head and busy creating.

Here was today's roll.

I let out a sad sigh when I saw "no spray inks".  I love my spray inks.  I always seem to use my spray inks.  Well, the dice do help push me out of my comfort zone...

The grid- done in colored pencil so that it wouldn't smear when I added paint.  I played around with a few other colors in 1 box.  Didn't like it at all so I stopped after 1 box.

My fingers had to add a bit of color with heavy bodied acrylic paint.

Used gel medium to adhere the tissue wrap from Tim Holtz.

The slide mounts- I have had these for a while. I love them but I don't seem to use them very often.  Do you ever do that with supplies?  It felt fabulous to use them.  I need to remember that for my other stacks of supplies.

Some grungeboard (which I counted for the chipboard) colored bright blue.

The vintage ephemera (bus tickets from England) was not the right color so I slapped on some orange paint.  As long as I had the orange paint I covered up that box I experimented with on the grid.  The world felt back in balance when I covered that box!

The scrap was a piece leftover blue paper. I die cut the letters out of but they did not pop so I slathered them in blue paint.

Rolling the dice got me out of my head and paint on my fingers- just what I needed today.

Here's the linky list for this week:

Cheadshot2About Carolyn:

I am on a colorful mixed media journey.   By day I am a mild mannered mom and technology teacher.  By night I am still mild mannered but I have very inky fingers and paint on my clothes, all of my clothes no matter how hard I try to prevent it... When I am not arting I am pestering my teenagers, dreaming about blue water and soft white sand beaches, and doing my best to avoid laundry and housework.  I'd love for you to stop by my blog and join me as I explore my world through art.

Carolyn's Blog: A Colorful Journey 
