Art Journal Every Day: Looking Back
November 08, 2013
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here. All of the previous posts can be found archived here. There is a flickr group for sharing right here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post. Thanks!
My art journaling style has evolved over time. Today I thought I'd share a quick overview of my art journal journey. The change wasn't sudden or drastic, but rather something that happened slowly over time as I continued to work on my art journals each and every day -- and it really wasn't until 2009 that I really got into art journaling every single day.
August 2007
January 2010
September 2011
April 2013
Looking back I'm trying to see if I can learn anything from this quick overview.
- I've clearly always had a thing for people. Most of my journal pages feature a face or two.
- I can see how very scrapbook-y my early art journal pages are. This makes total sense since that was my main hobby at the time.
- My early daily journal pages are kind of a hot mess. Nothing is cohesive in any way -- it's just a lof of stuff -- but I love them nonetheless!
- Lettering is clearly something I've been fooling around with for years.
- I like to journal. If anything, I'm an over-journaler. It's hard to find pages that don't have a lot of text on them.
- Stamps -- especially hand carved stamps -- start to figure in most art journal pages after 2010.
- I find it fascinating how many of these pages feature yellow. It's not a color I would ever list among my faves, but there it is on every single one of these pages. Weird.
- It's interesting to see how I moved from watercolor to acrylic. It wasn't long ago that I was strictly watercolor in my art journals and now I almost exclusively use acrylic. Who knows what I'll be doing in another year?!
- I like a crowded page. That's clearly a personal style thing. I don't see a lot of white space on any of these pages!
- As you can see, I experimented with a lot of sizes and shapes and types of journals. I'm really happy with my current size and I think I'll stick with it for a while.
Have you ever taken a look back at your art journal journey? What did you learn?
Here is this week's linky list:
Thanks for stopping by!