Art Journal Every Day: November into December
January 17, 2014
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here. All of the previous posts can be found archived here. There is a flickr group for sharing right here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post. Thanks!
I've got the last of my November pages and a few December pages to share with you today. As you'll see there wasn't a lot of journaling during the period I spent out of town. I brought my journal with me, but I wasn't very good about getting into it every day. In fact, I did a very bad job. But, you know, that's life. Just like exercise or anything else, you mess up and then you get back to it as soon as you can.
The stenciled design is my Echoes stencil in 12x12.
The champagne bottle image is from an old calendar.
I believe I shared these embossed number stamps right after I carved the stamps.
You'll recall that I shared a portion of this spread around Thanksgiving time.
I like to try out all sorts of different numbers in my art journal -- clockwise from the upper left you can see stamped, drawn, and stickers.
This was the first test print I made with my new "4 Faces" stencil.
There's another new stencil lurking in the background of this art journal spread. The image seemed to call out for a radiating background!
The man is an image I cut of the newspaper. I traced the image with a white Sharpie.
I originally intended to paint a face over the Gelli Print on the right, but in the end, it was too pretty to cover up.
The pink is an unusual color for me to use, but I love it.
Once again, you can see I used all different fonts to add the numbers to my page. In this case, three different hand carved sets of number stamps.
What's going on in your art journal? Here is this week's linky list:
Thanks for stopping by!