Mix & Match Valentine's Day Cards
Art Journal Every Day: Self Care for Valentine's Day

Hand Carved Heart Stamps


A heart is one of the easiest stamps to carve.  That's why it's the first stamp I teach people how to carve in any stamp carving class, and even in my book, Carve Stamp Play.

As a result of teaching it over and over, I have a tiny collection of heart stamps.  


I love hearts, I think you can do really spectacular things with them, depending on how you combine them.  For example, I stamped out a fun piece of paper by mixing and matching this little group of heart stamps:


Easey peasey!

Of course, given that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, I had to take some time to carve up one more heart stamp!


A great addition to my collection!

Whenever I post about stamp carving I get a lot of questions about the materials I use and where to get started.  So here is that info:

I hope you're staying warm wherever you are.  

Thanks for stopping by!
