Short Notice: Teaching FOUR Classes in Northern Colorado!
May 01, 2014
I'm super excited to be teaching FOUR classes in Northern Colorado May 30 - June 1.
It's short notice, so tell all your friends. Shout it from the rooftops and sign up to come and play with me! We're going to make a mess and it's going to be awesome!
Authentic Stencils
Stencils are a must-have tool these days. There are lots of gorgeous commercial stencils for sale, but it’s also super easy to make your own! Come and learn how to make your own stencils and Julie Fei-Fan Balzer will share all of her tips on what makes for a good stencil design.
The Stenciled Face
Learn just how easy it is to create fabulous faces using the help of some Balzer Designs stencils! If you think you can't draw faces, this is the class for you!
Painted & Printed Papers
There are so many ways to create your own artful papers. We will make our own stamps and stencils, explore monoprinting, and create lots of hand painted patterns. You will go home with an arsenal of painting and printing techniques and a fat stack of your own painted and printed papers.
The Stenciled Art Journal
In this class you’ll be creating fabulous stenciled papers and then binding them into a simple pamphlet style art journal you can take home and put to good use. Julie Fei-Fan Balzer will share all of her favorite techniques for mixing colors and layering stencils to create wonderfully unique papers. You’ll go home with a cornucopia of stencil techniques and a brand-new mini art journal!
To sign up and for more information, please visit