Linky Love
July 31, 2014
Some interesting things I've come across in my internet wanderings that I thought you might enjoy too!
Alexa Meade paints people -- actually paints ON people -- so that they look like 2-D paintings. It's mind blowinging amazing!
That is a living a breathing person! Be sure to click through the link at the top to see some of her other work. The grafitti ones, in particular, blow me away!
Another artist playing with your mind is Felice Varini. He paints optical illusion art.
Click through the link and you'll see that that giant "X" doesn't actually exist. It's so cool!
Artist Hillary Fayle enhances leaves with stitching.
I want art socks! If you're like me, buy them here.
Awesome tutorial from Jennifer McGuire on how to easily create a letterpress look with your wood veneer pieces!
Simple and awesome (and did you know that you can do the same thing with stencils? hint hint)!
I really like Lori Vliegen's cute idea for turning a doodle from her journal into a stitched artwork!
I hope something here sparked your interest! Thanks for stopping by!