If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here. All of the previous posts can be found archived here. There is a flickr group for sharing right here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post. Thanks! I spent several days last week prepping for the third season of the... Read more →
August 2014 posts
My Father recently came to town and we spent a lovely afternoon at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) together. Here we are posing with a painting that we both love: That Van Gogh painting has inspired me for years. Remember my Van Gogh girl? Here's a better look at the painting without our big heads in the way: Everything about it is amazing to me and the fact is, it's so much better in person -- as art almost always is! We had a very good time visiting some old favorites (I adore Picasso): And apparently so does everyone... Read more →
You may have noticed that I didn't release any new stencils this Summer. I got a couple of e-mails from people wondering what it all meant. The answer is: absolutely nothing. I've had a really intensely busy Spring and Summer and I didn't feel I could give new designs my proper attention. I don't like to put out anything less than my best work. I will have plenty of new designs for you in January! In the meantime, I thought it would be fun to do some stencil giveaways (yay!) and a whole bunch of posts about a few of... Read more →
Today I'm sharing a ScanNCut video tutorial with you. In the video I share a lacy gate fold thank you card. Please note that in the beginning of the video I show how easy it is to take any .svg file and turn it into an .fcm file that your ScanNCut can cut! And here are the cards with their matching envelopes: I used a piece of washi tape to hold the card shut for this photo: As I mentioned in the video, you can leave the card as is... ...or you can slip a contrasting color of paper into... Read more →
My brother recently had his birthday and so I made him a card and a gift (of course). The card is a pop-up with a little bit of artsy flair: I'm going to tell you a secret: the artsy flair is covering up a mistake! Isn't that a good reason to have some artsy flair? I miscalculated my pop-up element and so I needed to make the sides of the card longer. Scraps of painted paper to the rescue! The pop-up element is one I designed in Illustrator and then exported as an .svg file, converted over to an .fcm... Read more →
I recently got to spend a whopping seven hours in New Orleans. Despite the short amount of time, I managed to eat twice (my priorities are clear) and take lots and lots of photos! Here are five of my faves: New Orleans is a city rich with art of all kinds. Unfortunately, we were there after most of the galleries were closed. However, we stumbled across this art filled hallway, which led to a gorgeous courtyard filled with greenery and a fountain and an art gallery. Would you like some beignets with your piles of powdered sugar? Nothing on earth... Read more →
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here. All of the previous posts can be found archived here. There is a flickr group for sharing right here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post. Thanks! Today I'm sharing some daily pages from June and July 2014. I'll be... Read more →
Take a moment to click over to the New York Magazine website and read this short but brilliant article by Melissa Dahl. Here's a small excerpt: "Asking 'What could I do?' instead of 'What should I do?' can lead you to better, more creative answers, according to a recent working paper by a team of Harvard Business School professors. Asking yourself, for example, 'What should I do with my life?' tacitly implies that there’s a right and a wrong answer to that question. It seems that the word should can cause us to think in black and white, while could... Read more →
On my recent travels I experienced two flight delays on two different days. Luckily I had two sketchbooks with me and used one for each delay! Sketching is a great way to pass the time and use the "found" time without getting grumpy. Here is my watercolor one: Here is the one in my Gelli printed sketchbook: Which style of sketchbook do you prefer the look of? I'd love to know! Thanks for stopping by! Read more →
I know that all you really want in life is DVDs of me doing artsy things, right? ;) Obviously, I'm joking, but just in case you do want some artsy inspiration on DVD (and many are available as streaming HD video too), here are a few options for you: Working in a Series: Making Better Art This is a brand new DVD or HD streaming download -- your choice. Jenn Mason and I each share how working in a series has helped us and then share techniques for creating in a series. My focus is on mixed media collage. Find... Read more →