Adventures in Arting Podcast: She's Crafty!
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Drawing in my Gelli Printed Sketchbook

When I posted about working in my Gelli Printed sketchbook, I got a ton of e-mails from people confused about the process.  So, I thought I'd share a quick breakdown of the process.

To read about Gelli Printing in my sketchbook, read this post.

My pages look like this when I start:


Then I use a Pitt Brush Pen to create my initial sketch:


It's a different method of sketching than I normally do.  You're really working with an outline and that's hard for me.

Then I take a Big Brush Pen and fill in the "empty" spaces with black.


This is the step that made a lot of people think I was working on a black background.  But, as you can see, I'm not.

Then I use a white Sharpie to add details.  I also go back in with the Pitt Brush Pen and a Sakura Moonlight Pen (for the eyes).


I like the white Sharpie because it's super opaque AND you can smudge it for a painterly look.


I have to think kind of hard when I'm working in this book because it's a little more unforgiving than other methods.  That said, I'm enjoying experienting and learning!

Hope that helps explain the process for those of you who had questions!

Thanks for stopping by!
