Mixed Media Workshop Prep
September 04, 2014
The filming for season 3 of the Mixed Media Workshop is coming up soon! Yay! But of course, before we can film, Jenn and I need to create all of the projects and step-outs! We've got three guests coming on the show this season -- a mixed media stitch expert (and a personal art hero of mine), an encaustic expert, and Paige wil be back with more bookbinding tips! So Jenn and I filled in the gaps with our projects. Here's a peek at what we've got coming your way!
I was experimenting with patina -- and wow! That is some gnarly patina on that copper chain!
P.S. Jenn made that sweater!!!! I want one, please!
I made these lightbulb links based on instructions from one of the books we're featuring this season and I have to highly recommend the book to you. It's called The Missing Link and it was written by Cindy Wimmer. I've seen a lot of wireworking books and this one is just absolute perfection. I feel like I'm gushing, but I guess that I am. It's awesome. Two thumbs up!
What is all this prep stuff? Well, essentially, for three days Jenn and I are locked in the conference room at Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine headquarters. We have an enormous spreadsheet of projects and boxes and boxes of supplies. It sounds kind of fun, right? It is. We blare inappropriate-for-the-office music and sing along and often dance along. We drink Diet Coke under the theory that it counterbalances the m&ms and other snacks. There's lots of talking and laughing. It's also super stressful. I think all creating-on-demand is. And the days are long and all the stepping-out can drive a girl crazy! But in the end, I get to spend three days making art with one of my best friends. Pretty sweet gig, right?
Season 2 just started airing recently and my mother said, "You guys are much better."
Um...thanks, Mom?
Here's hoping that season 3 will be even better!!!!
Thanks for stopping by!