The Adventures in Arting Podcast: Art Collab Introduction
Stencil Week: Oldies But Goodies: Weekly Circles

ScanNCut Cards Personalized

You'll recall the ScanNCut Gate Fold Thank You Cards I shared last week.  Well, I decided to personalize some and actually send them out in the mail.  The new cards have a few differences from the original cards.

First up, I added names and notes:



But, I put the notes on a separate piece of cardstock, so that they're removable and the card can be displayed without the note inside!


You'll also notice that I cut these cards from cardstock that is double sided -- each side is a different color, so there's great color contrast without any work from me!


Pretty cool, right?  I love being able to send a card that is personalized with the recipient's name.  It ensures that he or she realizes that that card was crafted with love just for them!

Do you personalize cards when you make them?

Thanks for stopping by!


Please note: I am a paid spokesperson for the Brother ScanNCut, but all of the ideas, commentary, and enthusiasm are my own!  

Also: Tune into HSN tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1am, 11am, and 4pm EST to catch me demo-ing the ScanNCut on air!  Yay!
