The Adventures in Arting Podcast: Art Collab Introduction
September 01, 2014
I'm delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!
If you do not see the podcast player above, please click on this link. You can listen to a podcast anywhere and at any time. It is a recording that is available to you whenever you'd like to listen. If you'd like to download it to your iTunes library, click here. You can also pause and rewind or fast forward as you desire. I like to listen to podcasts while I'm making art. It's a little like hanging out with friends while you art.
Today's podcast is a little bit different than our usual podcast. Last week my friend Nat Kalbach and I... together to kick off a big year-long art project we're working on. My Mother was kind enough to host us for a week of art making...
We recorded half the podcast on Monday, before we began, and the other half on Thursday, as we wrapped things up. On the podcast we chat about the process...
...the projects...
...and our friendship.
I think it's going to be a very interesting year as we continue to work on our art collaboration. I'd love to know what you think of our intentions and the speed bumps we've already hit.
Also: You can find our tweets and instagrams about it under the #njartcollab hashtag.
As always, be sure to leave us your comments and questions. Thanks for stopping by!
All podcasts are archived here. Find the show on iTunes here.
P.S. Just a reminder that "Make Your Own Junque Journal" starts today! Even though class starts today, you can sign up and start at any time. And once you purchase the class, you never ever lose access! Yay! Check out this super short preview video I made about the class:
And, of course, if you'd like to save $50, purchase BOTH "Make Your Own Junque Journal" and the companion class "30 Days in Your Junque Journal" at the same time as "The Junque Journal Bundle!" Hope to see you in class!
P.P.S. The Balzer Designs September 2014 newsletter is going out this afternoon! Make sure you're on the mailing list! (And, yes, this is different from the daily blog e-mail. It's an e-mail newsletter that goes out once a month.)