Guest Post: Faux Bleach Blocking with Stencils with Donna
The Weekend Five: Boot Weather, Baby!

Art Journal Every Day: Pages from August & September

ArtJournalEveryDayLogo-150If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here.  All of the previous posts can be found archived here.  There is a flickr group for sharing right here.  Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day!  No need to finish anything or even like it.  If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post.  Thanks!

Today I want to share some daily pages from August and September.  I love working on my pages over time in little increments.  (In fact, I believe I've shared bits and pieces of all of these pages on the blog, before they were finished.  You see, I work in little bits and spurts and lots of layers over time.)  I feel like the pages are so much richer because of that approach.  

You'll also notice that not every day is represented.  I try my best to art journal every single day, but I don't always make it and that's okay.  Art journaling every day is a goal, but I am neither "good" nor "bad" based on whether or not I get to it.  I encourage everyone to try art journaling every day.  Even if you only manage it half the days, you've art journaled 182 times in a year!  That's amazing!



I cut around this beauty's face to give my page a shaped edge.  Lately I'm a big fan of non-square pages.


I've been auditioning black pens in my art journal.  I use them over acrylic paint and then run over the top with water to see what happens.


She was painted with PanPastels.  I love the soft look!


This is the back side of her face.  I tried to make the shape make a little bit of sense by creating the flower.


See all that yummy texture?  It's packing tape I used to clean my Gelli Plate!  Looks cool, right?!


More pen auditions.



I love doing a dark page every now and then in my journal.  



This is kind of a cool technique.  I'll have to write a formal tutorial up at some point, but basically: I cut out some stars with my ScanNCut and put them under some aluminum tape.  I painted over the tape with black paint.  Once the paint dried, I sanded over the top and you can see that the dimension of the paper stars caught the sandpaper and so they were revealed!

Here is this week's linky list:

Thanks for stopping by!
