Guest Post: Stenciled Gelli Printed Variegated Arrow Strips with Ginger
Art Journal Every Day: Art Journal Playground at The Ink Pad

Adventures in Arting Podcast: The Glamping Life


I'm delighted to bring you another episode of the Adventures in Arting Podcast!

If you do not see the podcast player above, please click on this link.  You can listen to a podcast anywhere and at any time.  It is a recording that is available to you whenever you'd like to listen.  If you'd like to download it to your iTunes library, click here.  You can also pause and rewind or fast forward as you desire.  I like to listen to podcasts while I'm making art.  It's a little like hanging out with friends while you art.

Today we're talking to Cheryl Boglioli.

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Cheryl Boglioli is a mixed-media artist and Florida native with a passion for teaching and sharing her artwork and design projects.
Cheryl is on the leading edge of new products and techniques within the various disciplines of the ever growing market of mixed media. As a full-time Designer and Educator, you can find Cheryl traveling and teaching workshops at independent stores and events nationwide and Living the Art Life™.
She is currently renovating a vintage 1970 Fleetwood Terry trailer to become her mobile art studio.  Cheryl will be traveling and teaching again in Spring of 2015 on her Living the Art Life™ tour. 
Her travels will be taking her from Florida to Maine and back, teaching at local scrapbook stores, art studios, and art supply stores along the way. Cheryl has a number of sponsors supporting this tour and who will be following the travels along with her fans.  She still has spots open and will be teaching a variety of mixed media classes.  To book your spot today or for more information on sponsoring Spring 2015 Living the Art Life™ tour or Fall 2015 (midwest), email Cheryl at [email protected].
Cheryl also teaches classes in her studio where you can find her artwork and design projects for sale in Downtown Fort Pierce, Florida - Orange Ave Studios, Studio 310.
You can also find her work and travels at
On the podcast we discuss YouTube, renovating Cheryl's "Glamper," becoming Bob Ross Certified, the CHA Designer section, balancing making art and running a business, having a studio outside your home, being star struck, and so much more!

Be sure to leave us your comments and questions.  I always like to know what's on your mind.  Thanks for stopping by!

All podcasts are archived here.  Find the show on iTunes here.


P.S. Cheryl sent me the photo she mentioned on the podcast.  The one from the first time we met!

