Exploring Ken Oliver's Color Burst
The Weekend Five: It Must be Summer

Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal

ArtJournalEveryDayLogo-150If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here.  All of the previous posts can be found archived here.  There is a flickr group for sharing right here.  Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day!  No need to finish anything or even like it.  If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post.  Thanks!

It's always a little bit sad when I get to the end of an art journal.  That journal has been my friend and companion for many months.  On the other hand, it's also super exciting when a journal starts getting towards the end because I know that means I get to start a new art journal!  

Here are the last two pages of this particular journal:

Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal

This face is marker over a Gelli print.

Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal

I probably could have fit an extra entry on this side of her neck, but instead I decided to simply fill the space with a simple repeating pattern.

Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal

Stamped and stenciled tags will always find a home in my art journal!

Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal

My last few journals have almost all ended up with a glue page -- i.e. a page where all sorts of junque is simply glued to the page.  I think it's because when I get to the end of a journal and I'm ready to move on and so I simply clean up my desk by gluing all those pretty bits into my art journal.

Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal
Balzer Designs: Art Journal Every Day: The End of a Journal


Finally, here's a peek at all of the pages in this journal:


 Here is this week's linky list:

Thanks for stopping by!
