Guest Post: Stenciled & Stamped Mixed Media Card with May Flaum
Guest Post: Custom Painted Wrapping Paper with Wilna Furstenberg

Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana Trout

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana Trout

from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day #artjournalIf you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here.  All of the previous posts can be found archived here.  There is a flickr group for sharing right here.  Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day!  No need to finish anything or even like it.  If you've done some art journaling this week and you've blogged about it, or put it on flickr, please leave a link in the linky list at the end of this post.  Thanks!

Evidence shows that art journaling and other acts of creativity increase human happiness.  The trouble is that there are a lot of roadblocks between the human and the art: time, supplies and inspiration. 

A while back, it occurred to me that organizing simple supplies would be helpful so I came up with a system that makes it easy for anyone to art journal anywhere. You can watch that video here.
Lately, the Midori Traveler notebooks caught my eye - I like the proportions but they are a bit small and the paper is thin so let’s make ‘em to our own specs with this simple little book. 
from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana Trout
from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana Trout
from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana Trout
I’m having a blog hop with myself today so hop on over to my blog here for another video: Taking your journal puddle jumping. There are pictures, ideas and other sedate ways to decorate your journal and avoid that dreaded white page. 
Let’s Journal and get happier.
Thanks for hosting me today, Julie! 
Here is this week's linky list:
from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana Trout
from the Balzer Designs Blog: Art Journal Every Day: Guest Post: Journal for a Happy Life with Diana TroutDiana’s professional life is weighted equally between her twin passions for teaching and creating.
Diana is currently working with abstracted florals in watercolor. She’s also know for her series of stitched paper cloth and is beginning an offshoot project of hand dyed eco papers with machine and hand stitch.
Trout’s book, Journal Spilling, Mixed Media Techniques for Free Expression is used by artists, art journalers and teachers. Her artwork and articles have appeared in national magazines and she exhibits regionally in the Philadelphia area.   
Diana teaches in person and online as well as maintaining an active blog and YouTube channel.
