Art Journal Every Day: Lacy Pages
July 01, 2016
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here. All of the previous posts can be found archived here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week, use the hashtag #artjournaleveryday so that we can all take a peek. Even if you're not on social media, you can see everything (from twitter, pinterest, instagram, and facebook) that uses that hashtag here.
Are you like me? Do you get an idea and then just keep going and going and going with it?
I often work in my art journal while I'm on the phone. I put the other person on speaker phone and get to work. During a very long conversation, I started cutting up a journal page and I just couldn't stop. I think you'll see what I mean....
This page isn't really cut up.
It simply has half of the right side missing.
I love the way this doodle lettering turned out.
I worked on it slowly, over time, using my beloved Moonlight Pens.
Do you see the green stripe?
It's more than decorative. It's covering up a mistake. I stamped the wrong day-of-the-week and used a green Permapaque marker to fix my mistake.
And now, bring on the lace.
The left side of the spread is a piece of blotter paper that I bound into the journal and decided not to paint over.
The right side of the spread is a piece of paper that was partially cut with the ScanNCut and partially cut by hand.
You can see that it's kind of gold and black on one side...
...and completely black on the other side.
The right side of this black lace spread was entirely hand cut. Took me a while, but I really enjoyed doing it!
When you flip the page, it's a symphony of purple.
And another combo ScanNCut and hand cut page.
And when you flip the little guy over, this is what you see:
I used a bunch of my Art Foamies stamps to create a beautiful collage of images on the right.
But I just couldn't stop cutting holes in my pages!
Have you cut holes in your art journal pages? It's lots of fun!
P.S. There's lots of cut out fun in my art journaling class at Kept Creations in Whitman, MA on July 17! And join me for an Art Foamies class (I even have some Art Foamies to give away in class) on July 15.