#MFAnow: Frances Stark & other art
Street Art in Austin

#MFAnow: Terry Winters

As promised, here is a closer look at the Terry Winters: The Structure of Things exhibit at the MFA (Museum of Fine Arts) here in Boston.  (A few weeks ago I shared a quick video peek at it in a vlog -- right around the 2:51 mark.)

From the Balzer Designs Blog: #MFAnow: Terry Winters
From the Balzer Designs Blog: #MFAnow: Terry WintersFrom the Balzer Designs Blog: #MFAnow: Terry Winters

From the Balzer Designs Blog: #MFAnow: Terry Winters

I am more and more obsessed with printmaking these days -- and dreaming of buying a small press.  In the meantime, it's work like this -- the freedom in these prints -- that gets me excited. 

My brother recently asked me if I had ever thought of, "not using all the colors."  I laughed.  But, this powerful (mostly) black and white work makes me think that it's something to start experimenting with, don't you think?

I feel so filled up after visiting a museum and seeing art that inspires me -- filled up with ideas and excitement and the desire to create.  I'm always delighted to read in the comments that you enjoy reading these museum posts as much as I enjoy sharing them!  Hope you feel filled up too!

Thanks for stopping by!
