Picabia at MoMA: Part Two
MoMA: The Rise of the Russian Avant-Garde

Random Updates

Happy Wednesday!  A few updates from me:

My friend Nathalie interviewed me as part of the promotion for her upcoming book, Artful Adventures in Mixed Media, as I am a contributor to the book.  You can watch the interview below:

Artful Adventures in Mixed Media Interview with Julie Balzer from Nathalie Kalbach on Vimeo.

I'm thrilled and tickled and delighted to share that I have my very first piece of art hanging in a juried art exhibit!  The exhibit is called Big Print Little Print: A diverse look at all forms of hand printing – from BIG to small, esoteric to accessible – featuring mono print, letterpress, woodcut, linocut, etching and more. The Opening Night party is tomorrow and everyone is welcome to come!!


I'll be there from 5:30-8:30 if you'd like to stop by.  And my piece is for sale, if you're interested.  It goes without saying that I'm beyond thrilled to have a piece in an exhibit.  I hope it's the beginning of exciting things to come!

Finally, you can currently purchase a ScanNCut CM350 for $50 off (automatic rebate)...

...through April 1, 2017, here.

 Hope you're having a good week and thanks for stopping by!
