#CarveDecember 2017: 6 Questions with tamargl77 & regnitzflimmern
February 21, 2018
Today I'm sharing some more profiles of artists who participated in #CarveDecember! First up: Tamar Golan Lev:
Q: How many times have you participated in #CarveDecember
A: This was my first time in #CarveDecember.
Q: Why did you decide to participate this year?
A: I don't like winter and I thought it would be a really good idea to participate in this great challenge and on the way to forget the weather...
Q: How would you describe your stamp carving skill level?
A: Every stamp carving improves my level and after this month I felt that my skills have improved even more.
Q: What is your favorite thing about #CarveDecember?
A: #CarveDecember gave me the opportunity to get to know other talented carvers and to be inspired.
Q: What are three things you learned from participating in #CarveDecember?
- There are a lot of people that like stamps like me
- It is amazing to prepare patterns with stamps
- Video tutorials are great!
Q: 3 favorite prints from #CarveDecember:
A: These are my favorite stamps. A cool project I made with my niece. We turned childhood memories into stamps that we printed on cushions combined with embroidery.
I also love animals and thanks to this challenge I have this lovely zebra.
Next up, Andie Mayr:
Q: How many times have you participated in #CarveDecember
A: 2017 was the third time.
Q: Why did you decide to participate this year?
A: I really enjoy this daily challenge for one month – or as I did this year for 24 days before Christmas eve. A one-year-challenge with 365 days would definitely be to much for me, but December is perfect. Anyway it is a special creative time of the year for me, and getting inspired and motivated by other carvedecember-participants is fantastic.
Q: How would you describe your stamp carving skill level?
A: I’m not a beginner, but I think I will be a lifelong learner. And there are sooooooooooo many things to discover and improve…
Q: What is your favorite thing about #CarveDecember?
A: As I said above, getting inspired, looking at other carvers stunning work and being motivated through a daily – and therefore regularly – challenge. You can learn so much, when you follow an idea through several days. Carving a stamp, the next day carving its inverse image, one day later changing the direction, the size,…
This year I didn’t start with a special idea. I started with a bird, which I wanted to use for fabricprinting (small bags, you remember, christmastime!). On day two I carved two flowers, on day three I carved three leaves – as I recognized that, I was intrigued by the idea to follow this system until 24 things for day 24. Of course I could not really carve 300 stamps within 24 days, so I had to search for creative solutions. And I had enormous fun thinking about it.
Q: What are three things you learned from participating in #CarveDecember?
A: continuity, enjoying “me time” and - especially this year - thinking out of the box
Q: 3 favorite prints from #CarveDecember:
A: bags instead of wrapping paper for christmas gifts – with lots of carvedecember-stamps
the 20 degree sector fits with the first attempt for a perfect circle – that was not sure before. Not at all.
the girl with the Christmas tree unites several days of my (unplanned) project
I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Tamar and Andie! I'll have lots more profiles of #CarveDecember participants over the next month or two. Also: If you participated in #CarveDecember 2017 and you'd like to be profiled, send me an e-mail and I'll send you a questionnaire!
Thanks for stopping by!