Two Weeks at the Crow Barn: Day-by-Day (part two)
#100daysofArtTweets: Days 51-68

#100daysofArtTweets: Days 36-50

As I mentioned before, I'm doing The 100 Day Project.  The conceit behind the project is simple: one action every day for 100 days.  My action is #100daysofArtTweets.  I'm posting original art content to twitter every day for 100 days.  There's a lot to catch you guys up on, so I'm splitting my tweets into two blog posts.  Today is days 36-50:


  40-ScrapVideoWhat you see above is a screenshot. To watch the video, click here.

Again, it's a screenshot above, so here is a clickable link for the sidewalk poetry: CLICK HERE.


  • Art is absolutely a part of my every day.  From what I do, to what I see, to the things I read.  This project has helped me to see that even on the days when I don't feel like I'm actively making art, I am still actively engaged in art making in other ways.  I love that.
  • Hashtags on twitter seem cumbersome and annoying.  I'm sort of hating having to hashtag everything #100daysofArtTweets.  But I like the notion of being able to find all these tweets 5 years from now.  (If you don't know, hashtags act as bookmarks so you can find things.)
  • I do find that I'm reading twitter more often than I used to.  I still find it a confusing platform in some ways -- like glimpses of conversations.
  • This is the half-way point of the project and (a) This year I definitely chose something that is doable for 100 days, (b) I kind of miss the mad scramble of making some kind of art every day, (c) BUT I think I pretty much hated my life and my project at this point last year, so maybe I don't miss the scramble....
  • It's an interesting idea to pick one photo to represent each day.  It reminds me of this app I've always wanted to do but haven't for reasons that escape me.  It's called 1 Second Everyday and you record a 1 second video every single day and at the end of the year (or whatever period of time) you have a short movie of your year.  There's another app that does a similar thing, but creates a calendar with photos called Collect.  Looking over all of these screenshots, I'm kind of thinking I might give those apps a last!

I'll be back with more Art Tweets and more observations tomorrow!  Thanks for stopping by!
