2 ScanNCut Projects: Bird Shadow Box & Logo Travel Mug
Two Classes at the Ink Pad

Magic the Gathering Altered Artwork

Just a quick note that due to events beyond my control, my entire online classroom has disappeared.  I am doing my best to fix the problem, and I apologize for any inconvenience.


Have you ever heard of Magic The Gathering?  It's a card game and the cards that you play the game with are collectibles.  In fact, one Magic Card, called a "Black Lotus," recently sold for $87,000!!! 

Steve loves Magic The Gathering and collects lots and lots and lots (and lots) of Magic Cards.  Recently, he asked me if I could help him alter a card to create a proxy card.  Apparently there is a wide world of altered Magic Cards.  I even found a Buzz Feed article all about it!  Check out these images Buzz Feed shared (original card with original artwork is top left):

Slightly different from the examples above, Steve asked me if I could carve a lotus stamp so that he could make what is known as a "proxy card" -- a fake version of a real card, built on a totally different card.  This is the card he wanted me to help him proxy:

You'll recall that a Black Lotus is the card that sold for $87k this year.  The one in the photo is theoretically worth a measly $6-15k. ;)  Since Steve isn't getting that card anytime soon, I agreed to help him with his "proxy project" and got to work carving!

I printed out an image of the original for reference.  Here's the stamped image with the reference image:

And once I stamped it on the card and added color: 3-Withimage-wm
Pretty cool.  It's up to Steve now to finish adding the text, etc. 

As for me, I took my new stamp for a spin:

Kind of looks like an artichoke, doesn't it?!

Hope you enjoyed this peek at altering Magic Cards.  There are some interesting hashtags to take a peek at as well.  My favorite is #MagicTheGatheringAlter.

Thanks for stopping by!
