Art Journal Every Day: July into August 2018
December 21, 2018
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, there is a short introduction here. All of the previous posts can be found archived here. Remember, it's just ten minutes of nourishing your creative self every day! No need to finish anything or even like it. If you've done some art journaling this week, use the hashtag #artjournaleveryday so that we can all take a peek. Even if you're not on social media, you can see everything (from twitter, pinterest, instagram, and facebook) that uses that hashtag here.
I can tell that July and August were stressful and eventful months for me without even looking at the journaling on the pages. One of the things that I love about my art journal is that everything in it is a reflection of what is happening right now. The type of artwork I make -- the style of the artwork -- it's all part of my mood.
I often write myself a note, and you can see that in the large text on the page:
The face on this page is kind of both fascinating and repellent -- a combination I like.
Above is a peek at a stencil coming your way in January! (Notice that I prototype stencils more than 6 months before they appear for sale!)
And another really big message to myself. Also note the huge gaps in my journaling -- the jump from 5 to 8 on this page, but the jump from July 16 on the previous page to August 5 on this page. That's another way that I know my life was insane and out of the control during this period.
I tell people this all the time, but it's hard to hear: Lettering doesn't have to be perfect or cookie cutter. I think it's great when it reflects you and it's a bit wonky.
I like this big hairless head. It's kind of alien and weird but still appealing.
Note that my coloring is not neat or clean or precise. Yes!
I love to mix my media -- there's paint and marker and colored pencil and pen -- whatever I can reach from my chair!
So there you have it, another peek into my art journal. I hope your weekend will include a little bit of arting too!
Thanks for stopping by!