3 Art Articles on Art Forgery
June 12, 2019
Anyone else grab their phone for "one minute" and end up scrolling through article after article for an hour?! Well, it happens to me all the time. I really must get better at not falling down an internet rabbit hole. On the other hand, the good news for you is that I started reading articles about art forgery and found 3 of them that I just had to share.
How to Spot the Perfect Fake: This was my favorite of the articles. It's mostly a profile of the man considered to be one of the world's top forensic scientists when it comes to art forgeries. His name is James Martin. After I read the article, I googled "James Martin art forgery" and a ton of stuff came up, but I particularly liked this video:
I think the story of forger, Han van Meegeren, is fascinating, but I also really appreciated being able to see into James Martin's lab.
The next article is a fun one. It's a laundry list of the Ten Most Notorious Art Forgers. You see a photo of either the forgery or the forger and then a quick bio of what they faked. I do think it's interesting that there don't seem to be any famous female art forgers. I'm going to believe it's because women don't get caught. ;)
Finally, here is an article all about How Nuclear Bomb Tests are Helping to Identify Forgers. The part of that article that is the most interesting to me is how small a sample is now required for testing.
I hope you enjoy these articles as much as I did.
Thanks for stopping by!