Two Gelatin Printed Zines
July 20, 2020
On Friday, Jackie Jimerson and I did an instagram live together where we each made a simple zine using stencils and gelatin printing. They ended up being very different, which is one of my favorite things about art making: We can all use the same supplies and techniques and end up with wildly different results!
Here is mine:
As you can see from the photo, Jackie is offering her zine as a free download! You can go HERE to get it. She even has included instructions on how to fold it. You can see that it becomes a really cute little book:
Balzer Designs Members can download a copy of my zine in the online classroom (It's at the end of the July 2020 post). I made mine from a bigger piece of paper, so when you print it out, it's a bit smaller, but it still looks super awesome!
I printed on regular copy paper, but you'll get more true color results if you print on a matte photo paper.
If you missed the livestream, I've archived it on my instagram page and you can watch it below (or HERE if you're reading this on email and don't see the embedded video below):
I hope you'll make a gelatin printed zine of your own!
Thanks for stopping by!