Hello, friends! Here's a little bit about life around here right now: What are you working on? I feel very unmotivated to do Halloween decorating. But, I do love Halloween. So, I'm trying to motivate myself to get it going. I pinned a few images of things I like and want to make, like these: The question is, will I actually do it? Have you/are you decorating for Halloween? What are you loving? The TV Show, Star Trek: Lower Decks. It's a cartoon version of Star Trek, which focuses on the lives of the "lower deck" crewman -- the lowest... Read more →
September 2020 posts
I took Grafix's new Opaque Black Plastic sheets for a test drive with tons of different mediums. This is the process I often use to explore new-to-me supplies: I cut up the black plastic into manageable pieces (about 2x3). Then I brainstormed a quick list of all my favorite art mediums and printed out some labels. I stuck the labels down and then went to town. Now that everything is dry, I have a wonderful set of reference cards for how some of my favorite art mediums behave on top of the black plastic. Knowledge is power. Watch the video... Read more →
I thought you might enjoy this talk I found on YouTube: For quick reference, the 7 habits he lists in the video are: Daily Work Volume not Perfection Steal Conscious Learning Rest Get Feedback Create What You Love The talk is worth watching. His examples are helpful and motivating. Enjoy! --- P.S. I put 14 brand new Hand Painted Paper Packs in my shop. Get 'em while you can! Read more →
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, the concept is simple: It's a commitment to take ten minutes each day to do something in your art journal. No need to finish anything or even like it. It's about making the time to nourish your creativity every day! If you have the time to flip through your phone, you have the time to Art Journal Every Day. If you'd like to share what you make, use the hashtag #artjournaleveryday so that we can all take a peek. You can find new Art Journal Every Day posts here on the blog... Read more →
It was my great pleasure to spend an hour chatting with Sandy McTier recently. We discussed how she built her business and her core beliefs about people and business relationships. Sandy is smart and passionate and I think you're going to love today's podcast. Give it a listen: If you do not see the podcast player above, please click on this link. On the off chance that you've never listened to a podcast or don't get why anybody would want to, here are some facts: (1) Podcasts are convenient. It's a recording that is available to you whenever and wherever... Read more →
Art is a practice. Emphasis on the word, "PRACTICE." I practice, practice, practice as much as humanly possible. Yesterday, I sat down for a practice session (using one of the exercises I'll be sharing in the upcoming Design Boot Camp class) and created these two mixed media collages: I had a particular goal in mind when creating each piece. For one of them, I wanted to create as much cohesive diversity as possible. For the other, I wanted to have a clear sense of dominance. Can you guess which is which? If you're curious about terms like "cohesive diversity" and... Read more →
I know you've heard it a million times, but it's so vital to take care of yourself. Especially in these socially isolated times. A self-care routine is integral to mental well being. I wholeheartedly believe that acts of creativity are self-care. In this video I share 3 tips for protecting your creative self-care routine. Remember, it's your time, money, and space. So take care of yourself and get out there and make something! Read more →
VOMA is now open. What is VOMA? I'm glad you asked. I had to look it up. VOMA stands for Virtual Online Museum of Art. It is the world’s first fully interactive virtual museum. Work has been pulled from prestigious museums across the globe and it's all FREE. I downloaded VOMA (what a weird thing to say) this weekend and went for a virtual visit. It's a big download and takes a while. You also have to create a (free) user account in order to access the museum. I would describe the experience as slow and buggy. It's a super... Read more →
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, the concept is simple: It's a commitment to take ten minutes each day to do something in your art journal. No need to finish anything or even like it. It's about making the time to nourish your creativity every day! If you have the time to flip through your phone, you have the time to Art Journal Every Day. If you'd like to share what you make, use the hashtag #artjournaleveryday so that we can all take a peek. You can find new Art Journal Every Day posts here on the blog... Read more →
If you've ever wondered what goes into creating an online class, know that there are tons of videos and projects that never make it to the classroom. I've been working on a #CarveDecember class since 2019 (it's going to be packed with stamp carving/printing/design info). This week, I decided to tackle a lesson on reduction printing, which really should be its own class. Yesterday, I made an irrevocable process mistake and only realized it part way through filming the lesson. Alas. No matter, I've started a new lesson. And it's going to be GREAT. But in the meantime, I thought... Read more →