Art Journal Every Day: The Notorious RBG
September 25, 2020
If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, the concept is simple: It's a commitment to take ten minutes each day to do something in your art journal. No need to finish anything or even like it. It's about making the time to nourish your creativity every day! If you have the time to flip through your phone, you have the time to Art Journal Every Day. If you'd like to share what you make, use the hashtag #artjournaleveryday so that we can all take a peek. You can find new Art Journal Every Day posts here on the blog most Fridays. The archives go back to the first Art Journal Every Day post in 2010.
I was deeply saddened by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I wouldn't have this house, this business, or this life without her.
Earlier this week, I found myself up late at night sorting through my feelings by hastily sketching a portrait of her using markers. It's a bit long in the face, but I still feel like it communicates a bit of her indomitable spirit:
As always, I find my art journal to be an enormously soothing spot to work out my feelings through the process of making. I hope you do too.
Thanks for stopping by!