Double Marbling
Adventures in Arting Podcast: Learning During COVID

Around Here: October 2020

Hello, friends! Here's a little bit about life around here right now:

What are you working on?

I am working on a "proper" sketchbook.  I know.  I know. I hate terms like "proper" too.  Any sketchbook is a good sketchbook. But, I'm very interested in doing a whole lot of reference work at the moment (color charts, product explorations, design ideas).  And so I'm working on a sketchbook that is truly just for me (that's why there's no photo here).  Definitely not finished art.  Something like a personal bible of ideas and techniques.  I'm really hoping that it will become a regular practice.  I'm calling it a 2021 goal.  I'm hoping to spend these last few months of 2020 working out the kinks and fitting it into my regular studio practice so that it's all green lights in 2021!

What are you loving?

I am so enjoying the Design Boot Camp workshop.  Two of the great joys of teaching are (1) what you learn from your students and (2) what you learn in breaking something down to teach it.  My brain is full.  My heart is full.  I feel so lucky to have such a great group of artists on this journey with me.

How is the baby?

He is eleven months old!  (How is that even possible?!)  This has been the longest slowest quickest craziest year.  He's looking a lot like his Daddy in this photo:

He said his first word the other day and my heart melted, because it was, "mama." :)

Current art crush?

​Eloise Renouf's graphic compositions have me swooning.  If you ever wondered about the value of Notan, her work is evidence that it works.  Check them out:

I find these pieces deeply inspiring and I hope that you do too.  It's good to remember that you don't have to create in the same style as someone to find their work inspirational.

Finally, I wanted to mention an important virtual event that is happening tomorrow night.  It's called Spaghetti Dinner and it's an annual fundraiser for a charity that I love and support called Women's Lunch Place.  Their mission is to assist homeless and low-income women and provide them with dignity along the way.  You can purchase a ticket to the event for $0 or a donation of any amount.  You can also bid on auction items, including this pair of monotypes I made:

You don't need to buy a ticket to the event to bid on auction items, btw!  There's a lot of great stuff, so check it out!

So, there you have it!  That's the scoop on life around here at the moment.  If you're a member, October's vlog is in online classroom!

Thanks for stopping by!
