Adventures in Arting Podcast: Marta Harvey Tessellations
#PrintInktober 2020

Art Journal Every Day: A Map Page


If you're new to Art Journal Every Day, the concept is simple: It's a commitment to take ten minutes each day to do something in your art journal.  No need to finish anything or even like it.  It's about making the time to nourish your creativity every day!  If you have the time to flip through your phone, you have the time to Art Journal Every Day.  If you'd like to share what you make, use the hashtag #artjournaleveryday so that we can all take a peek.  You can find new Art Journal Every Day posts here on the blog most Fridays.  The archives go back to the first Art Journal Every Day post in 2010.

As you know, I have been obsessing about maps and map art as of late.  Well, last weekend I sat down and created a very loose, totally non-realistic representation of a map of Boston Harbor.

You can see this spread come together in this short video:

Members can see the real time version of this video in the classroom this month.

I hope you feel inspired to grab some art supplies and make a map of your own.

Thanks for stopping by!


P.S. Members: Remember to check into the classroom on the first of each month to find out the date/time of the monthly livestream.  The October member livestream is on Monday, October 12, at 11am EST.  I look forward to seeing you there!
