Around Here: April 2021
April 28, 2021
Hello, friends! Here is a little bit about life around here right now:
I am putting together a new online class (planning to release it this summer) all about developing a sketchbook habit.
The format is going to be 30 short videos over 30 days. I've filmed the first few videos already and I'm really excited about it! Let me know your sketchbook questions in the comments section!
This week we moved this bench/chair hybrid from the upstairs foyer to the downstairs front hall. I wasn't sure about the scale (it's a low seat), but we needed somewhere to sit and put on shoes. The table that was previously there (it's now in the upstairs foyer) was simply a place for collecting piles of stuff.
So far it has been an excellent move in terms of practicality -- kind of like how we zip tied some leftover lumber to the newel post in order to attach the baby gate.
He is 17-months-old and cute as a button. He is my ray of sunshine every single day!
He's very communicative and uses his sign language to get what he wants (usually food), but we're starting to get a few spoken words, which is very exciting!
Current art crush?
I just started following angelaterris and I want to be her friend. Her art makes me happy. Take a peek:
Her work is beautiful, but I also really respond to the way she photographs her stuff. Great photos!
So, there you have it! That's the scoop on life around here at the moment. If you're a Monthly Member, April's personal vlog and studio vlog are both in online classroom!
What's the difference between a personal vlog and a studio vlog?
- Personal vlogs have a lot of daily life stuff (lots of baby) and a bit of random art content. They're pretty much like the old weekly vlogs you can still see on my YouTube channel. All Members have access to personal vlogs.
- Studio vlogs are art focused on a single art project or art-related topic. Past studio vlogs include: behind-the-scenes of putting together an online class, a studio tour, the process of making my giant tree mural, etc. Maker Members & Super Learner Members have access to the studio vlogs.
Here's hoping April showers are bringing you May flowers!
Thanks for stopping by!