The #CarveDecember Workbook Class
November 10, 2022
I have a new class for you!
This exciting new workshop is a three-month immersion into the process of creating better stamps.
Maybe you're a #CarveDecember veteran?
Perhaps you've participated somewhat in #CarveDecember?
Or you might not even know what the heck #CarveDecember is?!
- Carve a stamp.
- Print it.
- Post the print to instagram.
- Use the hashtag #CarveDecember.
It's that simple. Here's a look at all of the stamps I carved during #CarceDecember last year:
Over the eight years that I've done this daily stamp carving project, I've carved hundreds of stamps. I've learned a lot along the way about stamp carving, about printing, about designing stamps, and about how to make this project work for me. One of the biggest things I've gotten better at is carving stamps I love and use. And I want to share my techniques with you.
In my new online class, The Carve December Workbook, I am teaching you how to use a workbook (a sketchbook, a studio notebook, however you want to think of it) in order to make better stamps (aka stamps you love and use). While the focus of the class is 100% on #CarveDecember, the techniques of thinking and planning and evaluating can all be used for any art project you have in mind -- as can the super cool flexible workbook structure I'll be showing you how to make!
You can sign up, read more about the class, and watch a video lesson from the class HERE.
The first set of lessons is already waiting for you in the classroom.
I hope to see you in class!