100 Days of Art Parts: Days 12-20
April 12, 2023
I'll admit it: I haven't quite been keeping up with the 100 Day Project. I just wrapped up day 22 and most of the world is on day 47 or 48. As I always tell my students, it's not a competition. You're not competing with anyone, you're simply trying to get what you need out of the project.
When I started this project, I was hoping that it would mean I would spend a little bit of time each day focused on making work just for me -- meaning: not for a class or a deadline or a client. But, I had forgotten about the performative aspect of the project -- i.e. the daily posting online. Ugh.
Work for yourself is allowed to be ugly and messy and unphotogenic. And, I have to say, Art Parts are often very unattractive. I think it's because they're pieces of something greater. They're not finished artwork. They're not beautiful/interesting until they're part of something finished.
So then I thought, well, I can always show people how they become beautiful.
But that really defeats the purpose of the exercise. I wanted to make work just for me to get better at making art in daily incremental bits.
So, I'm struggling. But I'm happy. I love Art Parts and they're a huge part of how I make art. So each day I try to figure out how to make **the process** part of what I do, look pretty. You can take a peek at the posts and see if I made it work....
Here's what I made for days 12-22 (these images and videos are embedded from instagram, so if you're reading this blog post in an email you may have to click over to my blog to see them):
I hope you enjoyed this peek at my 100 Day Project. If you're doing one, I hope it's going well!
Thanks for stopping by!