I have loved (and used) my Caran d'Ache Neocolor II Crayons for years. This little box has lasted me more than a decade. Maybe closer to 15 years? Neocolor II Crayons are water soluble and highly pigmented and so fun to use. Super Learners have access to my online class, "Getting Started with Neocolor II." You can use Neocolor II Crayons in lots of different ways beside drawing, including stamping, stenciling, and screen printing! And they are great for layering, if you know how. But, I digress. You may have noticed that I use china markers (aka grease pencils) in... Read more →
June 2023 posts
June has disappeared extremely quickly. Where does the time go?! Notable Family Event We went to Vermont! To the Shelburne Museum. I need to write a long blog post about it with lots of photos. In the meantime, you can see much of our visit in this month's Member Vlog. Notable Personal Event I really struggled to come up with something to put here. I've written and re-written this paragraph five times. The fact is, I've managed to get myself a little bit lost in a mixture of motherhood and working. When I was trying to think about anything notable... Read more →
These days I don't often post ScanNCut content on this blog. I mostly share it in ScanNCut Club on YouTube. But, there's one question that I get all the time and I figured it was time to answer it: "Which ScanNCut should I get?" If you've ever asked me this question, I've most likely told you that I don't do machine recommendations. I don't do it because (1) there is no "best" ScanNCut, and (2) everybody's needs are different. That said, I've finally figured out how to answer the question by offering guidance. There are just four questions you need... Read more →
I have been dragging furniture around, cleaning, and cooking in order to get everything ready for this weekend's SOLD OUT art retreat: Printmaker's Party! It's an arty party!! This three-day workshop is packed with printmaking fun. We will be making our own stamps, stencils, and silkscreens. We will also be using the gelatin plate to make both collage papers and finished artwork. I have made each of the students a hand bound book to keep track of all of the different techniques. I'm super excited for students to make their own stamps, stencils, and silkscreens, as well as a stash... Read more →
Yesterday was the June Member Livestream. We discussed: NFTs and the social media NFT scam. Cutting custom mats with the Logan Mat Cutter. Single Page Binding -- i.e. binding single loose pages of finished artwork into a single book. I actually have complete step-by-step tutorials for several different types of single page bindings in the A Year of Gelatin Printing Online Class. Composed Prints: Portfolio (pictured above in the first image of this post) Drawn & Sketched: Post-Bound Just Paper: Coptic Stitch - This lesson is for signatures, but you can use a coptic stitch for single pages (detail photo... Read more →
I worked on five new mixed media collages this week. And in this week's studio visit, I'm talking about the details. Here are some practical techniques and tips to infuse your artwork with mesmerizing details and captivating mark making: Layering: I love to layer pattern on texture. Experiment with transparent layers, such as glazes. The fun of layering is that it's a process of discovery. You can keep adding and subtracting elements, playing with composition and balance until you achieve the desired effect. It's like creating a visual symphony, where each layer adds a new note, creating a harmonious whole.... Read more →
As you know, I love Art Parts. They make the process of mixed media collage faster, more enjoyable, and easier. Imagine cooking a gourmet meal with all your ingredients prepped and ready to go. That's exactly what Art Parts is for my artwork. I like to have my backgrounds already painted, my embellishments done, and my collage papers ready to use. It's like having my own personal sous chef in the kitchen, cutting up all the ingredients for me. In this video I show you how I use Art Parts in my creative process. Three takeaways for you: Incorporate Art... Read more →
I'm so delighted to share that I am the guest on the current episode of the Craftermath Podcast. The host of the podcast is Tania Ahmed, who was a guest on my podcast, The Adventures in Arting Podcast, back in 2021. Here's a quote from my conversation with Tania: You can listen to that 2021 podcast HERE. If you'd like to listen to this week's Craftermath season 2, episode 2 conversation with me, you can do so below: Thanks for stopping by! Read more →
Picking up our discussion from Monday, where does a studio notebook come in? source A studio notebook is kind of the perfect mashup of sketchbook and commonplace book. I think that's why I've been using one even before I knew what commonplace books were. I do a lot of writing in my studio notebooks, so they don't feel like sketchbooks. And actually, I think I get why it works for me now! source Here's how a studio notebook can incorporate elements of both a sketchbook and a commonplace book: Documentation and Reflection: Like a commonplace book, a studio notebook can... Read more →
On Saturday I spent a super fast (time flies when you're having fun) four hours with a lovely group of artists in my Collage Faces class. I would say about a quarter of the class is attending live and the rest are watching the replay. That's the wonderful thing about Zoom. It's so flexible! Plus, I think the message board and ability to share images and ask questions between classes makes it feel like you don't have to watch live. For class number two, we focused on the structure of the basic pleasing face and how to construct it out... Read more →