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Studio Visit #13: Exploring My New Caran d'Ache Crayons

Around Here: June 2023

June has disappeared extremely quickly.  Where does the time go?!

Notable Family Event

We went to Vermont!  To the Shelburne Museum.  

I need to write a long blog post about it with lots of photos.  In the meantime, you can see much of our visit in this month's Member Vlog.

Notable Personal Event

I really struggled to come up with something to put here.  I've written and re-written this paragraph five times. The fact is, I've managed to get myself a little bit lost in a mixture of motherhood and working.  When I was trying to think about anything notable I've done, I could only come up with work or child-related things.

I think a goal for myself, for July, has to be to spend some time finding myself again.

Notable Work Related Event

Printmaker's Party was AMAZING!  

I owe lots of thanks to all the ladies who came and to my family who all contributed to making it go smoothly.  I will write a long blog post (with photos) all about it.  

A Recommendation

I'm currently working my way through July's Book Club book, "Expressive Sketchbooks" and you guys, it's really good. One of the easiest books to give an unequivocal two thumbs up.

I hope you'll grab a copy of the book whether or not you can come to Book Club.  It's more philosophical than practical advice, but I agree with all of it.

So, that's the scoop on life around here at the moment.  If you're a Monthly Member, both the June personal vlog and studio vlogs are up in the classroom.

Thanks for stopping by! 


P.S. In case you don't know, I send out a weekly newsletter on Fridays.  You can subscribe HERE.
