Collage Faces: Class #3
Art Journal Every Day: Take a Peek into My 2022 Art Journal (part 3)

Book Club: Expressive Sketchbooks

This month we read Expressive Sketchbooks by Helen Wells and I loved everything about this book!

You can watch the video for more:

In the video, we worked through Helen Wells' exercise, "Beauty in the Mundane." To participate, please have the following supplies ready:

Here's a peek at my completed sketchbook:

It's more of an art journal than a sketchbook, in my opinion.  But a lot of that is simply semantics.  

In my mind, a sketchbook (which I call a Studio Notebook) primarily focuses on the exploration of ideas. It serves as a space to capture my creative process, jot down quick observations or ideas, and experiment with different concepts. To me, sketchbooks are usually filled with loose, unfinished drawings and lots of notes about process. On the other hand, an art journal is more finished.  It's still a place to explore, but it's more often filled with art that is finished -- even if it's not very good.  And the text in it tends to be more personal -- diary style.

Let me know if you agree or disagree!

You can find all of the Book Club videos archived HERE.  Our next Book Club meeting is on August 9, 2023.  We will be discussing A World of Artist Journal Pages by Dawn DeVries Sokol.  (Let me know if you're one of the artists featured in the book!)

If you'd like to participate in the in-class exercise next month, you will need to have the following available to you:

I hope to see you there!
