Made Remarkable Podcast
Studio Snippet #28: Abridged History

PrintInktober 2023: Days 9-15

My current #PrintInktober project is to use my Art Foamies Bauhaus Set...

...for all 31 of my prints.  I've set some parameters for myself, such as:

  • I don't have to use all the Bauhaus stamps in every print.
  • I can use other stamps/stencils in the prints.
  • I will use 9x12 paper for all the prints.
  • I will use acrylic paint for all of the prints.
  • I will put all of the prints up for sale.
  • I'm not using any prompts for my prints.
  • I will share a process video for every single print on instagram.

Here are days 9-15:

Something that has saddened me in this process is that instagram has very recently changed how hashtags work.  You used to be able to see "most recent" under every hashtag. This made instagram based challenges fun and easy to follow along with.  You could see everyone's contributions, even if you didn't know them.  Now instagram only shows the most popular posts under each hashtag. This essentially eliminates the community aspect of these online challenges.  I know it sounds silly, but that was always such a source of joy for me. I'm really mourning the loss.  In fact, I'm seriously considering whether to do #CarveDecember this year.  It doesn't seem fun or exciting to participate in a challenge where only a few people's work gets seen.  How do you make new connections?  New friends?  I'm just so sad about the whole thing.

I'm feeling depressed, but I appreciate you stopping by and reading this.
