Happy Halloween!
Studio Snippet #30: Scrap Packs

PrintInktober 2023: Days 23-31

October's #PrintInktober2023 manifesto was to see how many different ways I could use the Bauhaus Set I designed for Art Foamies.

I had a lot of fun over the month and learned a few things along the way, but more on that later.  Here are days 23-31:


All of these original one-of-a-kind artworks on paper are for sale.  So if you want one, send me an email letting me know which one and I'll get it matted and in the mail to you.

For Day 31, I printed directly on a t-shirt for my three-year-old:

If you want to see the process of any of these pieces, be sure to check out the short process videos I've been posting on instagram and facebook.

So what did I learn?  What am I taking away from this experience?

  • I need and seek to create patterns because they add a sense of structure and coherence to my work. It's difficult for me to work with "just shapes" since patterns provide a visual rhythm and harmony that goes beyond the mere presence of basic geometric forms.
  • I really like simple, bold design in artwork for its striking and immediate impact. But I loooove busy, complicated, bold design in artwork because it offers a wealth of intricate details and layers that invite the viewer to explore and discover new elements over time.
  • 31 days is just about the right amount of time for me in a daily challenge. I burn out if it's longer than that.  31 days keeps me engaged and motivated, while a more extended commitment, like the 100 Day Project, can lead to exhaustion and loss of creative energy for me.
  • The best way to ink up your Art Foamie is to use your gelatin plate as a palette.
  • Daily work truly does lead to small improvements that accumulate over time, eventually resulting in a big leap forward in skill and creativity. It's a good reminder that consistent effort and practice are essential for growth and progress in any artistic endeavor.  I think it's why the 10-minutes a day rule still works for me when it comes to art journaling.
  • Instagram no longer shows "most recent" images under each hashtag, only the most popular. This makes it impossible to see the contributions of people with fewer followers.  This gave #PrintInktober a really different feel because it didn't feel like a community.  More like -- me by myself.  I'm going to have to think about how to deal with this issue going forward to ensure that the sense of community and inclusivity is maintained.

If you participated in PrintInktober this year, I hope you had fun!

Thanks for stopping by!
