Q: How can I find all the previous Art Journal Every Day posts?
A: Find them all in my blog archives HERE. You can read the very first Art Journal Every Day post HERE.
Q: What is Art Journal Every Day?
A: Art Journal Every Day is weekly feature on this blog. The Art Journal Every Day (AJED) posts are always art journal focused, though not necessarily focused on daily art journaling.
Q: What does the title "Art Journal Every Day" mean?
A: I do my best to art journal every day. I encourage other people to do so -- just for ten minutes a day. The point is to be creative and steal a little bit of time just-for-you every single day.
Q: How can I participate?
A: Two different ways!
- You can share your work on social media using the hashtag #artjournaleveryday and #artjournalingwithjulie
- You can play along privately. There is no need to share!
Q: What if I've never art journaled before?
A: Jump right in! The water is fine! There is no "right" way to do anything having to do with art journaling. If you want some step-by-step information, there's lots of it in the Art Journal Every Day archive. You can also take one of my online class art journaling classes.
Q: What supplies do I need to get started?
A: You don't "need" anything. A notebook, a pen, and something to color with is a great beginning. If you want more, THIS is a list of my favorite art journaling supplies. You can find a short version below:
If you have other questions, please ask!